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The Sunday School children were overwhelmed with the generosity of those who donated to their ELCA Good Gifts fundraiser, including the silent auction held by WELCA. Carol Miller and her team organized and arranged the very successful silent auction, which ran from December 1st to the 22nd, to raise money to support the Sunday School students. Members of the congregation donated many homemade and purchased items for the auction. Thrivent Financial approved a Thrivent Action Team proposal from Brian Williams for $250 to purchase additional merchandise for this cause. It was such a fun and worthwhile event. A total of $1050.00 was received (via the silent auction and direct monetary gifts) to be used by the kids to shop and make a difference in the lives of people around the world. THANK YOU!
January 22, 2025
Join us in Worship! Sunday Worship 9:00 am Children's Church 9:00 am Family Education Hour 10:00 am Bible Studies Monday Afternoon Bible Study 1:30 pm via Zoom. Led by Vicar Michelle Wandersee.
Tuesday Night Bible Study 7:00 pm in the Main Conference Room. Led by Steve Reid. Note this Bible Study will go on hiatus for the winter beginning December 10.
Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study 1:30 pm in the Main Conference Room. Led by Vicar Michelle Wandersee. Note this study will not meet during the month of December.
Sunday Morning Bible Study 10:00 am in the small conference room. Led by Steve Jones.
January 26 - Annual Congregation Meeting February 9 - Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday March 5 - Ash Wednesday Worship March 5 - Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper March 12 - Lenten Mid-week Worship begins March 12 - Lenten Soup Suppers begin
Sunday Scriptures
January 19 – Second Sunday of Epiphany Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalm 36:5-10 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 John 2:1-11
January 26 – Third Sunday of Epiphany Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a Luke 4:14-21
February 2 – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
February 9 – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Isaiah 6:1-8 [9-13]
Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
February 16 – Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26
February 23 – Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Genesis 45:3-11, 15
Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40
1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50
Luke 6:27-38
Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday Evensings 7:00 pm Thursday Evenings 7:00 pm
What is the ELCA?
Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is ELCA page.
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