Worship Opportunities

Carol Miller, Worship Committee Chair

Please indicate at which service you would prefer to serve.


Readers: Having received copies of the Scripture lessons prior to the appointed Sunday, the reader stands in front of the congregation and reads them during the service.  

How often: Once every two or three months.

Usher: Hand out the bulletins, count attendance, collect offering, and direct worshippers during communion.

How often: Once every two or three months.

Server/Acolyte: Light candles at the beginning of the service, assist with communion, and extinguish the candles at the end of the service.

How often: Frequency depends on the number of acolytes in rotation.

Greeter: Individuals and/or families greet worshippers as they enter the church at the main entrance  on Sunday morning.

How Often: Approximately two to three times per year.

Song Leader: Provide special music or assist/lead congregation with hymns during worship.

How often: Approximately every six to eight weeks.

Media: Operate the computerized Media Shout program to display
Worship on the overhead screens.

How Often: As scheduled

Video Camera Operator:  Operate camera during worship to record and upload to Facebook.

How Often:  As scheduled

Coffee Hour Provider: Provide refreshments to be served after worship.

How often: Approximately once every two to three months

Offering Counter Team: Count offering after worship, enter given amounts into the computer using the ICON program and assure offering is delivered to the night depository at the bank.

How often: Two to three times a month


Pianist/keyboardist: Instrumental accompaniment for liturgy and hymns during both worship services.

How often: Several times a month.

Choir: Adults sing as scheduled on Sundays, except during the summer months, and during special worship services. Practice is 7:30 pm Wednesday evenings. Choir Director is Alisha Fortener.

How often: As scheduled.

Contemporary Music Participant: Contemporary music during  service on the second Sunday of each month. (Date to resume TBD)  Led by Dan Danielowski.

How Often: Once a month

Instrumentalist/Soloist: Provide special music during worship.

How often: As needed.

Church Drama Participant: Participate in plays during Christmas or Easter.

How often: As scheduled.

Wine Provider: Provide one gallon bottle of Mogan David Concord Grape wine for communion.

How often: Approximately one time per year.


Worship & Music Committee:   The committee oversees all aspects of worship and music at church, working closely with Pastor, Altar Guild, organists, and choir director.    

How often: Committee meets once a month.

Altar Guild: Assist in creating and maintaining a climate of worship for the congregation by caring for the chancel and its furnishings, communion ware, and linens. Also set up weekly communion, and assist with the arrangement of special flowers (Easter and Christmas).
How often: Scheduled for two consecutive weeks approximately every two to three months.

Hymn Picking Committee: Committee choses music/hymns to enhance worship utilizing recommendations online on Sundays and Seasons website.

How often: Committee meets once per month

Eucharistic Ministry Serving Communion to shut-ins

Visit/deliver to shut-ins and contact absent Church members





July 27, 2024



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9:00 am 



About All Saints

Come to the About Us section to meet , and find out what we're all about!




Amazon Wish List



Revisions to ASLC Constitution for Review




Monday Afternoon Bible Study 1:30 pm.  Meets via Zoom.  This study is on hiatus until Fall

Tuesday Night Bible Study 7:30 pm Meets in the Main Conference Room.  Led by Steve Reid


Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study 1:30 pm.  This study is on hiatus until Fall

Sunday Morning Bible Study 10:00 am.  This study is on hiatus until Fall






August 4 - Welcome Vicar Michelle Wandersee!

August 17 - LOMC Celebration

August 19 - All Saints Blood Drive

September 8 - Sunday School Resumes

September 8 - Annual Church Picnic

Septemer 15 - Timber Lake Playhouse Outing


Scripture Text 



July Sunday Scriptures


July 28 – 10th Sunday after Pentecost

2 Kings 4:42-44

Psalm 145:10-18

Ephesians 3:14-21

John 6:1-21


August 4 – 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15

Psalm 78:23-29

Ephesians 4:1-16

John 6:24-35


August 11 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost

1 Kings 19:4-8

Psalm 34:1-8

Ephesians 4:25—5:2

John 6:35, 41-51


August 18 – 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Proverbs 9:1-6

Psalm 34:9-14

Ephesians 5:15-20

John 6:51-58


August 25 – 14th Sunday after Pentecost

Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Psalm 34:15-22

Ephesians 6:10-20

John 6:56-69



Emergency Response Plan


The following group meets weekly at All Saints.



Alcoholics AnonymousMeets Tuesday and Thursday Evenings at 7:00 pm




Meets Sunday Evenings at 6:00 pm


What is the ELCA?






Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is ELCA page.



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